Beet Down Salad

Spinach salad with boiled beets, sunflower seeds, leeks, cranberries & beet green pesto. 

So here's what I'm learning: the more ingredients I have ready and on hand the more likely I am to opt to eat at home. In this instance, the beets were already boiled and the pesto made this weekend, quick & easy to throw together. 

My new favorite – and thrifty (a word I never use to describe myself) – kitchen trick is beet green pesto. In buying whole beets to cook up I used to throw the stalks away. Ner do more my friends. Those greens make a tasty and affordable pesto. 

Beet Green Pesto:

The greens of 3-4 big beets rinsed and chopped

Organic Olive Oil

Seat Salt

Walnuts or pumpkin seeds (cheaper than pine nuts)

Minced Garlic 

I usually do my garlic and oil first, add in nuts, greens and salt to taste. Use as much oil as is needed in your food processor to mince the greens to a consistency that works for you and your pesto. I go without cheese, up to you as everything is. I use this pesto on salads, crackers, pastas and in my eggies. Enjoy loves. 

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